Which Country Has +93 Country Code

  • +93
    Afghanistan Calling Code
  • AF
    2 Digit ISO

  • AFG
    3 Digit ISO

  • Local Time Afghanistan
    10:11:59 am Friday, April 19, 2024

+93 is dialing code of Afghanistan and if you want to dial Afghanistan phone number from other country the correct way to dial your number in your phone should look like this. Do not forget to enter exit code of your country and then country code 93. Final step is to enter area code of Afghanistan and local phone number.

Dial: 00 93 00 000000

How To Call Afghanistan?


You Should Dial:

[leaflet-map address=”Afghanistan” zoomcontrol=1 zoom=5]
[leaflet-marker visible=”true”][/leaflet-marker]

For mobile phones numbers you should enter 00 93 70 or you should also add city code after Afghanistan country code +93 to make a phone call to any of below cities of Afghanistan. Below are the complete list of cites with area code of each city. The correct way to dial to any other city in Afghanistan from other country should look like this.

Dial: 00 93 70 ********

After the IDD 00, enter country code +93 and city dialing code. After that enter your full phone number and you are done. Your service provider will charge you as per their international call rates so please check call rates to Afghanistan from your country. Below are the list of area codes of Afghanistan.

Dial Codes
Herat +93-40
Jalalabad +93-60
Kabul +93-20
Kandahar +93-30
Mazar-E-Sherif +93-50
Mobile Phones +93-70
Questions and Answers
Q:How to Dail To Afganistan
A:Enter IDD which is 00 for Afghanistan after that enter country code of Afghanistan which is +93 and full number.
Q:Should i use area code of Afghanistan city?
A:Yes, you should enter area code for dialing to city of Afghanistan.
Q:For tool free Afghanistan number which code should i use?
A:You should use country code only for dialing tool free number.