Countries That Start With M

Countries That Start With A-Z

This list will show you all information about the countries that start with letter “M”.

Macau 853 MO / MAC
Macedonia 389 MK / MKD
Madagascar 261 MG / MDG
Malawi 265 MW / MWI
Malaysia 60 MY / MYS
Maldives 960 MV / MDV
Mali 223 ML / MLI
Malta 356 MT / MLT
Marshall Islands 692 MH / MHL
Mauritania 222 MR / MRT
Mauritius 230 MU / MUS
Mayotte 262 YT / MYT
Mexico 52 MX / MEX
Micronesia 691 FM / FSM
Moldova 373 MD / MDA
Monaco 377 MC / MCO
Mongolia 976 MN / MNG
Montenegro 382 ME / MNE
Montserrat 1-664 MS / MSR
Morocco 212 MA / MAR
Mozambique 258 MZ / MOZ
Myanmar 95 MM / MMR

If you want to find information about country Mexico (this country name starts with letter M) then click on the link and you will find its country code +52, iso code 2 which is MX, Exit code with is 011, current date and time of country (that begin with letter M) example Mexico. You can also search for the country if you are not able to locate that country, for example if you need to search country Mexico then type in search Mexico or country code +52 and you are done.