Sao Tome and Principe Country Code + 239

  • +239
    Sao Tome and Principe Calling Code
  • ST
    2 Digit ISO

  • STP
    3 Digit ISO

  • Local Time Sao Tome and Principe
    05:43:46 pm Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe Country code for dialing Sao Tome and Principe local phone number from another country is 239. If you need to dial a Sao Tome and Principe phone number you should fallow these steps.

  • Step 1: Enter + sign or exit code of your country might be 00 or 011
  • Step 2: Enter country Code 239 of Sao Tome and Principe after exit code or + sign
  • Step 3: Next enter Area Code of Sao Tome and Principe City (list of area codes of Sao Tome and Principe)
  • Step 4: Finally Enter local phone number of Sao Tome and Principe
  • Your service provider will charge you as per the international rates for calling Sao Tome and Principe country.

    HOW TO DIAL Sao Tome and Principe FROM UNITED STATES

    Dial: 011 239 -000-0000

    How To Call Sao Tome and Principe From Your Country


    You Should Dial:

    • +239
      Sao Tome and Principe Calling Code
    • ST
      2 Digit ISO

    • STP
      3 Digit ISO

    • AFRICA

    • Sao Tome
      Capital city

    • 00

    List of area Codes for Sao Tome and Principe cities. Sao Tome and Principe Country Code +239 have below city area codes. You need to dial area code of Sao Tome and Principe city as shown in below table. Do not forget to enter exit code of your country or if your smart phone have + sign on dial pad then you do not need exit code.


    How To call Sao Tome and Principe Country?

    You should enter IDD or exit code of your country which might be 00 or 011 and then enter country code for Sao Tome and Principe which is 239 and then another enter Sao Tome and Principe city area code and finally enter local phone number of Sao Tome and Principe. Sao Tome and Principe have different area codes so check above list and you are done.

    What is IDD Of Sao Tome and Principe?

    IDD or exit code of Sao Tome and Principe is 00 and is used to dial another country inside Sao Tome and Principe. If you are inside Sao Tome and Principe then you do not need to dial country code or international direct dialing number for calling local number.

    How to dial Sao Tome and Principe area codes?

    Sao Tome and Principe Country Code 239 covered different area codes and these Area codes are used after you enter country code 239 to dial a city number of Sao Tome and Principe.