Uruguay Country Code +598

  • +598
    Uruguay Calling Code
  • UY
    2 Digit ISO

  • URY
    3 Digit ISO

  • Local Time Uruguay
    06:44:39 am Saturday, April 27, 2024

Uruguay Country code for dialing Uruguay local phone number from another country is 598. If you need to dial a Uruguay phone number you should fallow these steps.

  • Step 1: Enter + sign or exit code of your country might be 00 or 011
  • Step 2: Enter country Code 598 of Uruguay after exit code or + sign
  • Step 3: Next enter Area Code of Uruguay City (list of area codes of Uruguay)
  • Step 4: Finally Enter local phone number of Uruguay
  • Your service provider will charge you as per the international rates for calling Uruguay country.


    Dial: 011 598 -000-0000

    How To Call Uruguay From Your Country


    You Should Dial:

    • +598
      Uruguay Calling Code
    • UY
      2 Digit ISO

    • URY
      3 Digit ISO


    • Montevideo
      Capital city

    • Peso (UYU)

    List of area Codes for Uruguay cities. Uruguay Country Code +598 have below city area codes. You need to dial area code of Uruguay city as shown in below table. Do not forget to enter exit code of your country or if your smart phone have + sign on dial pad then you do not need exit code.

    Dial Codes
    Aigui +598-446
    Araminda +598-337
    Artigas +598-772
    Balneario Las Flores +598-43
    Baltasar Brum +598-776
    Barra del Chuy +598-474
    Barrio Escavino +598-349
    Belén +598-766
    Bella Unión +598-779
    Boca del Rosario +598-557
    Caballada +598-52
    Canelón Chico +598-33
    Canelones +598-32
    Capurro +598-338
    Cardal +598-339
    Cardona +598-536
    Carlos Reyles +598-368
    Carmelo +598-542
    Carmen +598-365
    Caserko Murialdo +598-313
    Castillos +598-475
    Casupi +598-311
    Cebollatk +598-459
    Cerro Chato +598-466
    Cerro Colorado +598-318
    Chamizo +598-319
    Colonia Cosmopolita +598-556
    Colonia Miguelete +598-575
    Colonia Piamontesa +598-552
    Colonia Rapettti +598-546
    Colonia Tomis +598-562
    Colonia Valdense +598-55
    Conchillas +598-577
    Constitución +598-764
    Costa Azul (Rocha) +598-479
    Dayman +598-73
    Dolores +598-534
    Durazno +598-36
    Estación Andreoni +598-317
    Estación Sosa Dkaz +598-390
    Faro José Ignacio +598-486
    Florida +598-352
    Fraile Muerto +598-688
    Guichón +598-742
    Ismael Cortinas +598-539
    Izcua +598-412
    J.P.Varela +598-455
    José Batlle y Ordonez +598-469
    José Enrique Rodó +598-538
    Juan Lacaze +598-586
    La Barra (Maldonado) +598-42
    La Coronilla +598-476
    Lagomar +598-38
    Laguna Merkn +598-679
    Las Canas +598-413
    Dial Codes
    Las Piedras +598-324
    Lascano +598-456
    Libertad +598-345
    Maldonado +598-42
    Mariscala +598-449
    Melo +598-64
    Mercedes +598-53
    Minas +598-44
    Minas de Corrales +598-658
    Mones Quintela +598-778
    Montevideo +598-2
    Nueva Carrara +598-415
    Nueva Palmira +598-544
    Nuevo Berlkn +598-568
    Ombses de Lavalle +598-576
    Palmitas +598-537
    Paso de los Toros +598-664
    Paysands +598-72
    Paysandu +598-722
    Piedras Coloradas +598-747
    Pintado +598-354
    Piraraji +598-448
    Playa Fomento +598-587
    Punta del Diablo +598-477
    Punta Del Este +598-42
    Quebracho +598-754
    Rivera +598-62
    Rko Branco +598-675
    Rocha +598-47
    Rodrkguez +598-348
    San Gregorio de Polanco +598-369
    San Jacinto +598-399
    San Javier +598-569
    San José +598-34
    San Jose +598-342
    San Jose De Carrasco +598-38
    San Ramón +598-312
    Santa Ana +598-588
    Santa Clara de Olimar +598-464
    Sarandk del Yk +598-367
    Solks de Mataojo +598-379
    Tacuarembó +598-63
    Tala +598-315
    Tarariras +598-574
    Termas del Arapey +598-645
    Tomis Gomensoro +598-777
    Tranqueras +598-656
    Treinta y Tres +598-45
    Trinidad +598-364
    Velizquez +598-457
    Vergara +598-458
    Vichadero +598-654
    Young +598-567
    Zapicin +598-463

    How To call Uruguay Country?

    You should enter IDD or exit code of your country which might be 00 or 011 and then enter country code for Uruguay which is 598 and then another enter Uruguay city area code and finally enter local phone number of Uruguay. Uruguay have different area codes so check above list and you are done.

    What is IDD Of Uruguay?

    IDD or exit code of Uruguay is 00 and is used to dial another country inside Uruguay. If you are inside Uruguay then you do not need to dial country code or international direct dialing number for calling local number.

    How to dial Uruguay area codes?

    Uruguay Country Code 598 covered different area codes and these Area codes are used after you enter country code 598 to dial a city number of Uruguay.